iPhone Camera History: iPhone 12's Alternative and Normal

The evolutionary history of the iPhone camera can also be seen as the history of the development of the phone CIS, even if the iPhone does not fully follow the CIS technology trends to advance. Just take this opportunity, but also through the last two articles to review the modern mobile phone

SK hynix 128L 3D PUC NAND (4D NAND)

SK hynix has released the world’s first 128-layer (128L) 3D NAND, which they have termed 4D NAND. This is their second NAND generation built using Periphery Under Cell (PUC) architecture; the first was their 96L NAND. In PUC architecture, peripheral circuits are stacked under the cell, resulting in

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The global lithium ion battery market was valued at $30.2B in 2017 and is projected to reach $100.4B in 2025.

This growth can be attributed to many industry and innovation drivers: