Global Smartphone Monthly Shipments (Sell In), Sales (Sell Through) and Inventory Variance by Vendor: May 2024

Global Smartphone Monthly Shipments (Sell In), Sales (Sell Through) and Inventory Variance by Vendor: May 2024

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TechInsights tracked global smartphone shipments (sell in) increased by 6% YoY, and sales (sell through) went up by 3% YoY in April 2024. This rebound in the smartphone industry is attributed to normalized inventory levels, resumed product launches from vendors, and increased demand from end consumers in emerging markets.

Samsung leads in both shipments and sales, followed by Apple, Xiaomi, OPPO/OnePlus, and Transsion. This report tracks global smartphone monthly shipments (sell in), sales (sell through) and inventory changes by 32 of the world's largest vendors from January 2016 to April 2024. The report is a valuable tool for OEMs, component makers, software developers, operators, and other stakeholders to track key OEMs inventory level and support their planning activities.

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