Global Foldable Display Smartphone Vendor Market Share by Region for Q2 2023

Global Foldable Display Smartphone Vendor Market Share by Region for Q2 2023

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Samsung was the leader in foldable display smartphone shipments in Q2 2023, followed by Huawei and vivo. Shipments grew YoY but declined QoQ due ongoing geopolitical and economic turbulence and Samsung's softness. Asia Pacific accounted for nearly two thirds of foldable display smartphone shipments in Q2 2023. This report reports foldable smartphone shipments by vendor by quarter from 2018 through Q2 2023 with regional breakdown. All major regions are forecasted in the report, including North America, Central & Latin America, Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific and Africa Middle East. The report is a valuable tool for component vendors in the foldable supply chain, operators, vendors and distributors.

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