Digital Media Streamer Vendor Market Share: Q1 2023 (30 Countries)

Digital Media Streamer Vendor Market Share

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Global shipments of streaming media players fell by 2% year-on-year during Q1 2023 as market conditions remain challenging due to persistently high inflation and a supply chain that is stlll in the throes of recovery. A general lack of new product introductions has given consumers little incentive to upgrade their existing devices while smart TVs continue to offer a compelling alternative to an external device. That being said, we expect the market to show signs of recovery towards the back end of the year and into 2024 as economic headwinds recede and refreshed product lineups lead to a wave of replacement purchases. This report provides quarterly shipment and installed base vendor shares globally and across 30 countries for Digital Media Streamers. It is a valuable tool for all stakeholders who want to track the Connected TV Device footprint of the world's major Consumer Electronics brands.

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