Guide to Processors for Deep Learning (refreshed quarterly)

Communications Semiconductor Market Share 2020

Market Research From The Industry Experts

"Communications Semiconductor Market Share 2020" provides all-new market share data for semiconductors used in communications, including Ethernet products, FPGAs, and processors.

The report provides the detailed market information needed to sort out the dynamics of this market. With this report, chip vendors, investors, and OEMs will readily see which companies are the leading suppliers in a given product market, how these companies' standings have changed over the past year, how big the mature product markets are, and how fast the emerging categories are growing.

Semiconductor product categories covered in the report include Ethernet switch, controller, and PHY components, as well as Ethernet adapters (NICs). For server and embedded processors, we capture all revenue and then segment by application. Similarly, we segment FPGA revenue into communications, data-center, and other applications. Among the scores of companies covered are broad-based suppliers, such as Broadcom and Intel, as well as segment-specific vendors such as Inphi and Xilinx.

The report includes a brief text summary providing analysis of the data and a set of market share tables for many product categories and application segments. Companies purchasing a corporate license also receive the tables in Microsoft Excel form.

What's New in this Edition

  • Now includes revenue share for 400G Ethernet switch chips.
  • Now includes revenue share for 400G Ethernet PHY devices.
  • Provides 2020 market share data for all product categories and segments, including Ethernet products, FPGAs, embedded processors and server processors.

This report is written for:

  • Product managers and executives seeking to assess the performance of their product lines over the past year or to identify areas in which to invest or divest
  • Strategic sourcing professionals and engineers at OEMs and operators seeking information about semiconductor suppliers
  • Investors and financial analysts seeking data to support investment decisions

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