Product Code
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Device Type
Baseband Processor
IoT Connectivity SoC
Logic - Digital Floorplan (IP)
IoT Connectivity SoC - Transceiver Floorplan
Logic - Digital Floorplan
HiSilicon Boudica 120/Hi2110 IoT Modem Digital Functional Analysis
This report presents a Digital Functional Analysis of the Neul Boudica die found inside of the Neul Hi2110 NB IoT modem. The Hi2110 component was extracted from the Quectel BC95B5HB-02-STD NB IoT module.

This report contains the following detailed information:
  • Selected teardown photographs, package photographs, package X-rays, die markings, and die photographs
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) plan-view micrographs showing the layout of the die at the levels including, fin/STI, gate, contacts and minimum pitch metals
  • Measurements of horizontal dimensions of some of the major layout features, particularly the pitch and track height of standard cells
  • Plan-view optical micrograph of the die delayered to the polysilicon layer
  • Identification of major functional blocks on a polysilicon die photograph
  • Table of functional block sizes and percentage die utilization
  • High-resolution top metal and polysilicon die photographs delivered in the ICWorks Browser
  • Cost of die and tested packaged die, based on the manufacturing cost analysis of the observed process

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