Deep Dive Teardown of the Luminar Technologies Iris LiDAR 70-0034-00102203A15650 Automotive

Deep Dive Teardown of the Luminar Technologies Iris LiDAR 70-0034-00102203A15650 Automotive

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The Luminar Iris seems to have different versions. The latest one is equipped with the flagship EX90 electric car from Volvo as the main sensor supporting autonomous driving system. Iris LiDAR has many similarities to the Innovusion Falcon Kinetic that we analyzed. It also uses optical fibers to transmit the laser signal. Also like the Falcon, Iris is a semi-solid-state LiDAR and has been equipped with 2-axis scanning mechanism – scanning rotating mirror and mechanical adjustment scanning in vertical orientation. Luminar Iris is designed to detect objects at night up to 250 meters away. A maximum scanning range can reach up to 600 m. Luminar claims that scanning resolution is up to 300 points per square degree. Each of the two fiber laser tips emits at 1550 nm. The laser pulses are reflected after hitting the target object. The returning beam is detected by custom developed ASIC receiver. LiDAR uses Automotive Ethernet Transmission to exchange data with a computer.

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