Ken Hyers

Director, Device Technologies


As the Director of Device Technologies at TechInsights, Ken Hyers has over 20 years of experience analyzing, forecasting, and advising professionals within the telecommunications industry. He is recognized as an expert in his field, and regularly provides insight for a variety of newspapers, business publications, and wireless trade journals. In his day-to-day, Ken leads the smartphone market research team focusing on technologies that power smartphones while providing market analysis, sizing, and forecasting of these devices through a technology lens. He enjoys having the ability to help clients predict, anticipate, and create the future of their businesses and has a reputation for successfully anticipating pitfalls and creating roadmaps to adoption for emerging technologies.

In previous roles, Ken worked as a Senior Analyst at Technology Business Research where he headed the expansion of the firm’s mobile computing devices syndicated and custom research. He was also a Principal Analyst at Allied Business Research where he designed and launched the Mobile Content Research service.

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