Xinguan Technology XG65T230HS1B650 V 230 mΩ GaN-on-Silicon Depletion Mode HEMT (Satechi 200 W USB-C Charger) Power Essentials Analysis

Xinguan Technology XG65T230HS1B650 V 230 mΩ GaN-on-Silicon Depletion Mode HEMT (Satechi 200 W USB-C Charger) Power Essentials Analysis

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This report presents a power essentials summary (PEG) of the Xinguan Technology XG65T230HS1B650 V 230 mΩ GaN-on-Silicon Depletion Mode HEMT, extracted from the Satechi 200 W USB-C Charger. The XG65T230HS1B650 targets applications such as consumer power adapters, telecom and servo motors, and features a Vds(max) of 650 V, however breakdown voltage (BV) quoted as 1700 V (250 uA leakage at 0 V Vgs).

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