VINATech VEL08253R8506G Vina Pulse Capacitor (VPC) 3.8 V Hybrid Capacitor (Samsung QLED TV Remote) Battery Essentials

VINATech VEL08253R8506G Vina Pulse Capacitor (VPC) 3.8 V Hybrid Capacitor (Samsung QLED TV Remote) Battery Essentials

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Some Samsung televisions come with a remote based on hybrid supercapacitors instead of batteries. This is a special report covering some aspects of both BEF and BCR profiling the VinaTech Hybrid Supercapacitor found in the remote.

This report presents a battery essentials (BEF) of the VINATech VEL08253R8506G Vina Pulse Capacitor (VPC) 3.8 V Hybrid Capacitor, extracted from the Samsung QLED TV remote control.

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