Value Share: Global Handset Vendor ASP and Revenue Share by Region: Q4 2023

Value Share: Global Handset Vendor ASP and Revenue Share by Region: Q4 2023

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Global Wholesale Handset industry revenues grew by 7% annually in Q4 2023. Apple. Samsung and Xiaomi were the top three vendors. Asia Pacific was the largest region both by value and volume in the quarter. Global Wholesale Average Selling Price (ASP's) of handsets grew by 2% annually and to its highest ever. Our extensive report provides quarterly global handset wholesale ASP, revenue and shipment metrics for 28 major OEMs across six major regions from Q1 2012 to Q4 2023. Historical global handset ASPs, revenues and shipments from Q1 2010 onward are also included. The report is a valuable tool for operators, component manufacturers, carmakers, financial analysts and other stakeholders who want to track handset pricing and the financial health of major vendors on a regional basis.

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