TSMC’s 2023 Technology Symposium

G. Dan Hutcheson
G. Dan Hutcheson
The Chip Insider®


TSMC’s 2023 Technology Symposium: The bigger message was more about the world’s new recognition of semiconductors and their importance than it was about TSMC’s forward march to new nodes. If anything, TSMC exuded confidence that this march was a given, not a possibility. But more importantly, it is the world’s open recognition of semiconductor criticality to the economy that guarantees chips will stay in the chips – to borrow a Las Vegas ditty – for the foreseeable future. Dave Keller kicked it off with a big thank you to North America, noting it bought some … wafers to produce … products – accounting for over 68% of TSMC’s revenue in 2022. It also taped-out close to … new designs, while accounting for … of the world’s AI market in 2022... He systematically reinforced TSMC’s mind-share of the word ‘certainty.’ C.C. Wei followed this tour de force, noting the extreme difficulties of forecasting in the current environment, noting ... Then, C.C. spun-up the turbochargers with a focus on how innovation never stops for TSMC and its customers. He certainly believes it will come for many years to come. But he also stressed that Moore’s law is more about economics than “shrinkage” – something I’ve always called ‘shrinkonomics…’

When everything seems to be going against you …remember that the airplane takes off against the wind — Henry Ford

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