Samsung K9AHGD8J0C 133L 512 Gb TLC 3D NAND Internal Waveform Analysis

Samsung K9AHGD8J0C 133L 512 Gb TLC 3D NAND Internal Waveform Analysis

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An Internal Waveform Overview (IWO) containing the program, read, and erase waveforms of the Samsung 133L 512 Gb TLC 3D NAND flash memory device (die markings: K9AHGD8J0C).

This device was found on the Samsung MZ-V9E2T0B/AM 990 EVO SSD. Two Samsung K9DVGB8J1E-CCK0 NAND flash memory packages and memory controller are identified on the SSD board. There are 16 NAND dies along with two “frequency boosting interface” (FBI) dies packaged inside each Samsung K9DVGB8J1E-CCK0 package. The Samsung 133L 512 Gb TLC NAND die is similarly built to the previous 128L TLC NAND generation device, conventional 3D NAND structure (array and periphery side-by-side) and contains four levels of metallization.

This analysis provides an overview of the internal voltages required to program, read, and erase the flash memory cells. The waveform analysis tests the flash in an active probe arrangement and voltage traces of the signals are recorded during program, read and erase operations while the device is active on the source Samsung SSD. The SSD operated in SLC and TLC modes while performing the signal measurements. The measured signals are two wordlines, the common sourceline, and the array p-well/n-well. The wordlines signals are global wordlines randomly selected from the global wordline bus identified on the top layer of the flash die near the wordline switch circuitry. Focused ion beam (FIB) probe pads are placed on the signals on one memory plane of one flash die in the memory package to measure the signals.

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