New iPad Pro Models: One M4 to Rule them All

New iPad Pro Models: One M4 to Rule them All

Discover the latest iPad Pro models - TechInsights dissects the internals of two variants, comparing processors to discern if they share the same M4 chip or if differences lie beneath the surface.

Two iPad Pro 11-inch (M4) Wi-Fi tablets made it into our building: a 9-core 256GB model and a 10-core 1TB model. Our goal? To compare both processors to determine if Apple is using the same M4 chip for both models or whether these iPads are powered by different versions of M4 chips.

New iPad Pro Models: One M4 to Rule them All

Figure 1: Same APL1206 package markings (FCD-2405-806).

From the teardown images, we can observe both processor modules look similar, and have the same APL1206 package markings, albeit slightly different Micron DRAM package markings. The teardown continued in haste to uncover the M4 processor underneath the lid.

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