Netsol S3A1604V0M 16Mb STT-MRAM Floorplan Analysis

Netsol S3A1604V0M 16Mb STT-MRAM Floorplan Analysis

Dive into the Memory Floorplan Analysis of the Netsol S3A1604V0M MRAM die found inside the Netsol S3A3204R0M-AI1AT.

The Netsol S3A1604V0M MRAM die was found inside the Netsol S3A3204R0M-AI1AT package. The Netsol S3A3204R0M-AI1AT is a 32 Mb small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) multichip package (MCP), low power supply spin transfer torque magneto-resistive random-access memory (STT-MRAM).


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