Insight: Q1 2024 Notebook PC Results – PC Market Continued Path to Recovery, Grew 7%

Insight: Q1 2024 Notebook PC Results – PC Market Continued Path to Recovery, Grew 7%

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Notebook PC shipments grew 7% in the first quarter of 2024 versus the same period a year ago and totaled 46.1 million units. This is the second quarter the PC market has grown after falling for eight consecutive quarters. Worsening macroeconomic conditions in some regions continued to limit PC demand, particularly in China, Japan, and the UK. However, the notebook PC market is poised for continued growth throughout the year as businesses lead the charge in transition to Windows 11. The impact of the much-anticipated next generation ‘AI PCs,’ which will begin to be announced in May, is not expected until the back half of 2024 where growth begins to accelerate to a high-point in 2025.

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