The Industry Soars, but Carries a Tether of Caution

Andrea Lati
Andrea Lati
The Chip Insider®
  • Order activity for semiconductor equipment slipped half a point as Memory activity fell for the second week in a row
  • The Memory market has been somewhat bumpy in the first two months of the year, triggering some caution among memory manufacturers
  • Despite the slight pullback, the overall order activity remains red hot as demand is not showing any signs of slowing
  • Meeting the demand remains a challenging task due to ongoing supply chain issues that go beyond the IC shortages
  • Rising geopolitical tensions have the potential to further disrupt an already fragile and constrained supply chain
  • TechInsights' Chip Price Performance Index surged in the first week of March
    • DRAM increased
    • NAND soared
    • MPUs declined
  • CSP Capex leveled off in 4Q21

Manufacturing Analysis

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