Global Smartphone User Penetration Forecast by 88 Countries: 2007 - 2028

Global Smartphone User Penetration Forecast by 88 Countries: 2007 - 2028

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We forecast global smartphone user base will increase +13% from 2023 to 2028. North America and Western Europe will by smartphone penetration rate during our forecast period, while Africa Middle East will show the highest growth momentum. This extensive report forecasts global smartphone user population penetration and household penetration rate for 88 countries worldwide, from 2007 to 2028. Almost every major country worldwide is covered, including United States, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. This report can be used by operators, software developers, content developers, handset vendors, component makers, car manufacturers and other stakeholders to determine the distribution of smartphone ownership across the huge global smartphone market.

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