Forecast: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 2022 to 2031 - Q2 2024

Forecast: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 2022 to 2031 - Q2 2024

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This Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) market forecast shows strong growth, driven by legislation, NCAP regimes and a push towards more automated driving. Key changes in this update include a boost to future discrete ADAS demand due to slower adoption of centralized architectures than was previously expected. The market for ADAS technologies is thus now expected to grow at a CAAGR of 13.4% over 2023 to 2028, with content-per-vehicle increases boosting demand significantly more than the growth in vehicle production. This report details and quantifies the market growth of the key ADAS technologies, such as Lane Departure Warning and Park Assist functions out to 2031. It also forecasts the demand for the associated sensors, including RADAR, Camera, and LiDAR devices.

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