Deep Dive Teardown of the Tesla FSD Computer HW4.0 1960600 Automotive

Deep Dive Teardown of the Tesla FSD Computer HW4.0 1960600 Automotive

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The FSD Computer HW4.0 was the latest version of Tesla’s Self-Driving device. In comparison to the previous model analyzed by TechInsights, the HW4.0 costs three times the price of the last one, but the manufacturing cost only increased by ~32%. This time Tesla went from four subsystem modules provided by external vendors to only two. GPS and CPU subsystems were introduced into the main substrates. The main difference in the design of HW3.0 and HW4.0 was the change in the chipset from Intel to AMD. Additionally, the RF Subsystem that was previously provided by Telit changed into Quectel’s module which replaced Skyworks RF chipset with Qualcomm/Qorvo’s collaboration.

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