Deep Dive Teardown of the HesaiTech Li Auto X01 LiDAR AT-128 Automotive

Deep Dive Teardown of the HesaiTech Li Auto X01 LiDAR AT-128 Automotive

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Hesai's AT128 is a hybrid solid-state directional LiDAR. It has many similarities to the LeiShen CH128X1 LiDAR we analyzed. Hesai’s LiDAR shares the same number of transmitting channels but is equipped with only 32 laser transmitters and receivers. The LeiShen is the same solid-state type and comes with a beam scanning mirror system that provides horizontal field of view of 120°.

Hesai's AT128 is designed to scan at a range of 200-meters at 10% reflectivity and high point density (with over 1.5M points per second). Each AT128 incorporates 128 high-power multi-junction VCSEL arrays emitting at 905 nm. The laser pulses are reflected after hitting the target object. The returning beam is detected by the same amount of 128 avalanche diodes. LiDAR uses Automotive Ethernet Transmission to exchange data with a computer. The device has IP6K7 and IP6K9K protection rating.

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