Connected CE Devices Market Forecast: EMEA 2018-2028

Connected CE Devices Market Forecast: EMEA 2018-2028

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Following a -6% decline in total total Consumer Electronics wholesale revenues in the EMEA region in 2022, we are forecasting marginal grow by +0.4% in 2023 to $268 billion due to several factors such as easing supply issues, the continuing shift towards premium devices and latest technologies, and the inclusion of two newer growth segments Smart Home and Wearables. This report forecasts major Consumer Electronics device shipments, installed base, revenues and ASPs globally and across six major regions from 2018 to 2028 as a total of all devices and those that are IP-enabled. Detailed forecasts are provided for a basket of 22 product categories spanning TV and Video, Computing, Gaming Hardware, Home Audio, Digital Cameras, Smartphones, Smart Home, and Wearables.

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