China: Automotive Cloud Overview—Market Status, Key Technologies, and Major Players

China: Automotive Cloud Overview—Market Status, Key Technologies, and Major Players

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TechInsights predicts strong growth for the use of cloud services in the automotive industry, in China and globally. This trend is driven by automakers' digital transformation requirements, which includes nearly all OEM business activities, including R&D, production, sales, management, and customer service. The report examines how 27 automakers in China, including 15 Chinese domestic OEMs and 12 global OEMs), are using cloud services. This report covers the cloud service provider partners for each OEM and the services providers offer. Example automakers covered include BAIC, Great Wall, Li Auto and SAIC. This report also focuses on the cloud services that Alibaba, Baidu, ByteDance, Huawei and Tencent offer and analyses their automotive cloud strategies, core products, and commercial launch cases. Focusing on China's market, this report identifies emerging automotive cloud services development trends, such as OEMs scaling their support for intelligent vehicles, how Chinese OEMs are focusing on global markets, multi-cloud deployment, and on the expansion of distributed-edge cloud applications.

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